Source code for pyspike.spikes

# Module containing several function to load and transform spike trains
# Copyright 2014, Mario Mulansky <>
# Distributed under the BSD License

import numpy as np
from pyspike import SpikeTrain

# spike_train_from_string
[docs]def spike_train_from_string(s, edges, sep=' ', is_sorted=False): """ Converts a string of times into a :class:`.SpikeTrain`. :param s: the string with (ordered) spike times. :param edges: interval defining the edges of the spike train. Given as a pair of floats (T0, T1) or a single float T1, where T0=0 is assumed. :param sep: The separator between the time numbers, default=' '. :param is_sorted: if True, the spike times are not sorted after loading, if False, spike times are sorted with `np.sort` :returns: :class:`.SpikeTrain` """ return SpikeTrain(np.fromstring(s, sep=sep), edges, is_sorted)
############################################################ # load_spike_trains_from_txt ############################################################
[docs]def load_spike_trains_from_txt(file_name, edges, separator=' ', comment='#', is_sorted=False, ignore_empty_lines=True): """ Loads a number of spike trains from a text file. Each line of the text file should contain one spike train as a sequence of spike times separated by `separator`. Empty lines as well as lines starting with `comment` are neglected. The `edges` represents the start and the end of the spike trains. :param file_name: The name of the text file. :param edges: A pair (T_start, T_end) of values representing the start and end time of the spike train measurement or a single value representing the end time, the T_start is then assuemd as 0. :param separator: The character used to seprate the values in the text file :param comment: Lines starting with this character are ignored. :param sort: If true, the spike times are order via `np.sort`, default=True :returns: list of :class:`.SpikeTrain` """ spike_trains = [] with open(file_name, 'r') as spike_file: for line in spike_file: if not line.startswith(comment): # ignore comments if len(line) > 1: # ignore empty lines spike_train = spike_train_from_string(line, edges, separator, is_sorted) spike_trains.append(spike_train) elif not(ignore_empty_lines): # add empty spike train spike_trains.append(SpikeTrain([], edges)) return spike_trains
[docs]def import_spike_trains_from_time_series(file_name, start_time, time_bin, separator=None, comment='#'): """ Imports spike trains from time series consisting of 0 and 1 denoting the absence or presence of a spike. Each line in the data file represents one spike train. :param file_name: The name of the data file containing the time series. :param edges: A pair (T_start, T_end) of values representing the start and end time of the spike train measurement or a single value representing the end time, the T_start is then assuemd as 0. :param separator: The character used to seprate the values in the text file :param comment: Lines starting with this character are ignored. """ data = np.loadtxt(file_name, comments=comment, delimiter=separator) time_points = start_time + time_bin + np.arange(len(data[0, :]))*time_bin spike_trains = [] for time_series in data: spike_trains.append(SpikeTrain(time_points[time_series > 0], edges=[start_time, time_points[-1]])) return spike_trains
############################################################ # save_spike_trains_to_txt ############################################################
[docs]def save_spike_trains_to_txt(spike_trains, file_name, separator=' ', precision=8): """ Saves the given spike trains into a file with the given file name. Each spike train will be stored in one line in the text file with the times separated by `separator`. :param spike_trains: List of :class:`.SpikeTrain` objects :param file_name: The name of the text file. """ # format string to print the spike times with given precision format_str = "{0:.%de}" % precision with open(file_name, 'w') as spike_file: for st in spike_trains: s = separator.join(map(format_str.format, st.spikes)) spike_file.write(s+'\n')
############################################################ # merge_spike_trains ############################################################
[docs]def merge_spike_trains(spike_trains): """ Merges a number of spike trains into a single spike train. :param spike_trains: list of :class:`.SpikeTrain` :returns: spike train with the merged spike times """ # concatenating and sorting with numpy is fast, it also means we can handle # empty spike trains merged_spikes = np.concatenate([st.spikes for st in spike_trains]) merged_spikes.sort() return SpikeTrain(merged_spikes, [spike_trains[0].t_start, spike_trains[0].t_end])
############################################################ # generate_poisson_spikes ############################################################
[docs]def generate_poisson_spikes(rate, interval): """ Generates a Poisson spike train with the given rate in the given time interval :param rate: The rate of the spike trains :param interval: A pair (T_start, T_end) of values representing the start and end time of the spike train measurement or a single value representing the end time, the T_start is then assuemd as 0. Auxiliary spikes will be added to the spike train at the beginning and end of this interval, if they are not yet present. :type interval: pair of doubles or double :returns: Poisson spike train as a :class:`.SpikeTrain` """ try: T_start = interval[0] T_end = interval[1] except: T_start = 0 T_end = interval # roughly how many spikes are required to fill the interval N = max(1, int(1.2 * rate * (T_end-T_start))) N_append = max(1, int(0.1 * rate * (T_end-T_start))) intervals = np.random.exponential(1.0/rate, N) # make sure we have enough spikes while T_start + sum(intervals) < T_end: # print T_start + sum(intervals) intervals = np.append(intervals, np.random.exponential(1.0/rate, N_append)) spikes = T_start + np.cumsum(intervals) spikes = spikes[spikes < T_end] return SpikeTrain(spikes, interval)
[docs]def reconcile_spike_trains(spike_trains): """ make sure that Spike trains meet PySpike rules In: spike_trains - a list of SpikeTrain objects Out: spike_trains - same list with some fixes: 1) t_start and t_end are the same for every train 2) The spike times are sorted 3) No duplicate times in any train 4) spike times outside of t_start,t_end removed """ ## handle sorting and uniqueness first (np.unique() does a sort) spike_trains = [SpikeTrain(np.unique(s.spikes), [s.t_start, s.t_end], is_sorted=True) for s in spike_trains] ## find global start and end times Starts = [s.t_start for s in spike_trains] tStart = min(Starts) Ends = [s.t_end for s in spike_trains] tEnd = max(Ends) ## remove spike times outside of the bounds Eps = 1e-6 #beware precision change for s in spike_trains: s.spikes = [t for t in s.spikes if t > tStart-Eps and t < tEnd+Eps] ## Apply start and end times to every train return [SpikeTrain(s.spikes, [tStart, tEnd], is_sorted=True) for s in spike_trains]
[docs]def reconcile_spike_trains_bi(spike_train1, spike_train2): """ fix up a pair of spike trains""" trains_in = [spike_train1, spike_train2] trains_out = reconcile_spike_trains(trains_in) return trains_out[0], trains_out[1]